Monday 11 September 2023

Cat Whiskers: What Every Cat Owner Should Know

Cats are truly magical creatures, and one of the most fascinating aspects of their physiology is their whiskers. These long, sensitive hairs, known as vibrissae, play a crucial role in a cat's life and well-being.

First and foremost, whiskers are sensory tools that help cats navigate their environment. They are incredibly sensitive to touch, allowing cats to detect even the slightest changes in their surroundings. This sensory superpower aids in hunting, as whiskers can sense the movement of prey, even in complete darkness.

Whiskers also provide valuable information about a cat's mood and health. When a cat is content and relaxed, its whiskers are typically in a neutral position. However, when they're feeling threatened or excited, whiskers may become fully extended, alerting you to their emotional state.

As a responsible cat owner, it's crucial to respect your feline friend's whiskers. Avoid trimming or plucking them, as this can cause discomfort and disorientation. Additionally, be mindful of narrow spaces, as a cat's whiskers can help them gauge whether they can fit through an opening.

In conclusion, cat whiskers are a testament to the beauty and complexity of our feline companions. Understanding and respecting the role of whiskers in your cat's life can lead to a deeper bond and a happier, healthier kitty. So, next time you gaze into your cat's eyes, take a moment to appreciate the enchanting world of their whiskers.

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Thursday 7 September 2023

The Purrfect Playtime: Keeping Your Feline Friend Happy

As cat owners, we all want to ensure our furry companions lead happy and healthy lives. One essential aspect of a cat's well-being is playtime. Engaging in regular play sessions with your feline friend can provide numerous benefits.

Mental Stimulation: Cats are natural hunters, and playtime allows them to exercise their hunting instincts. Interactive toys like feather wands or laser pointers can keep their minds sharp and prevent boredom.

Physical Exercise: Just like humans, cats need exercise to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of obesity-related issues. Play sessions help them burn off energy and stay in shape.

Bonding Time: Playtime is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the bond between you and your cat. It's a chance to build trust and create positive associations, leading to a more loving relationship.

Stress Reduction: Cats can experience stress and anxiety, and play is a fantastic stress-reliever. It helps them release pent-up energy and tension, promoting a calmer disposition.

Preventing Behaviour Issues: Regular play can deter destructive behaviours like scratching furniture or excessive meowing. It redirects their energy into more appropriate outlets.

Remember to tailor playtime to your cat's preferences and energy levels. Some cats enjoy chasing toys, while others prefer gentle petting and cuddling. Always use safe and cat-friendly toys to avoid accidents.

In conclusion, incorporating playtime into your cat's daily routine is a simple yet effective way to ensure their happiness and well-being. So, grab their favourite toy, set aside a few minutes each day, and watch your cat thrive both physically and emotionally.

Look at this: 

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Wednesday 23 August 2023

The Incredible Story of Lucky the Cat

The rescue begins.

When Aivars and Sarah first met the cat they would later name Lucky, he was anything but his namesake.

The young cat was clinging for dear life onto a tyre attached to a ship, in dry dock on the Port River in Adelaide, Australia.

The couple, who did not wish their surname published, had gone kayaking on but the rough weather had forced them to take shelter in the calm water around the docks.

On his way to safer shores.

As they were preparing to row back to their car they spotted Lucky perched on the tyre. He looked very miserable and was obviously malnourished.

“He was thin, covered in dry sea salt and in distress,” Aivars said.

The couple rowed over to try and retrieve the trapped feline with Sarah having to hold Aivars’ kayak steady as he reached up to grab Lucky.

Lucky with Aivars and Sarah.

“His head was dry but the rest of him was soaking wet and stinking. He had all kinds of gunk coming out of his eyes and was bleeding from one of his teeth. He seemed way too skinny and emaciated to climb up the rope,” said Aivars.

Once he had hold of the cat, Aivars tried to row back to shore one-handed with Lucky under one arm and the paddle in the other.

“In the end we had to tie the kayaks together and joint paddle back to shore,” Aivars said. “He was already pretty chilled with us. In the car on the way to the RSPCA [Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals] he fell asleep in the back seat.”

Carolyn Jones from the RSPCA said Lucky was severely malnourished but bounced back quickly, putting on enough weight that he could be desexed and microchipped.

How Lucky ended up on his precarious perch is anyone’s guess. Ms Jones said cats were naturally curious animals and often found themselves in unfortunate situations.

“Cats never cease to surprise us,” Ms Jones said. “But given the set up it is hard to tell how Lucky ended up in his position.”

Aivars and Sarah have now adopted Lucky (pictured), giving him a new home and a fresh lease on life.

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Tuesday 15 August 2023

How To Care For Your Elderly Cat

Elderly cats may need more frequent veterinary check-ups, as they are more prone to developing health problems such as kidney disease, diabetes, arthritis, dental issues, and cognitive dysfunction.

You could consider a special diet that is tailored to their nutritional needs and preferences with more protein, water, and calories, and fewer carbohydrates and fat. They may also need supplements or medications to support their organ function and joint health.

Many elderly cats benefit from having an indoor litter tray, even if they normally go outside, as they may feel more vulnerable or have difficulty accessing their usual spots. The litter tray should be easy to enter and exit, and cleaned regularly.

An older cat may appreciate a warm and comfortable bed that is away from draughts and noise. They may also need extra bedding or heating pads to keep them cosy.

They may appreciate more mental stimulation and social interaction to keep them happy and alert and will enjoy playing with new toys. You could hide treats around the house for them to find. They often love having gentle grooming sessions.

They could exhibit changes in their behaviour and personality as they age and become more or less affectionate, vocal, or active. They may also develop signs of confusion, anxiety, or depression. 

These changes may be normal or indicate an underlying problem, so it is important to consult your vet if you notice any unusual or concerning symptoms.

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Wednesday 9 August 2023

Tommy Dials 911

Tommy calls for help.

Cats are known for being independent and aloof, but sometimes they can also be loyal and heroic. That’s the case of Tommy, a four-year-old orange tabby who saved his owner’s life by dialing 911 (the US emergency number).

Tommy’s owner, Gary Rosheisen, suffers from osteoporosis and mini-strokes that can make him fall out of his wheelchair. He lives alone in his apartment in Columbus, Ohio, and he has trained Tommy to press a speed-dial button on his phone that calls 911 in case of an emergency1.

Rosheisen had a seizure and fell off his wheelchair. He couldn’t reach the phone or the medical alert necklace that he wears around his neck. He was lying on the floor, helpless and in pain, when he heard Tommy meowing and scratching the phone2.

Tommy managed to hit the right button and call 911. The operator heard nothing but a cat meowing, so he sent a police officer to check on the address. The officer arrived at Rosheisen’s apartment and found the door locked. He heard a man calling for help inside, so he kicked down the door and found Rosheisen on the floor with Tommy by his side.

Rosheisen was taken to the hospital and treated for his injuries. He said he was grateful to Tommy for saving his life and called him his “best friend”. He also said he was amazed by Tommy’s intelligence.

Tommy is not the first cat to dial 911. Another cat named Leona did the same thing for her owner, who had fallen out of her bed and couldn’t get up. These stories show that cats are not only cute and cuddly, but also smart and caring. They can be true heroes when their owners need them most.

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Monday 7 August 2023

The Cat Who Fell From 19 Floors

Lucky Sugar

You may have heard of the saying that cats have nine lives, but have you ever heard of the cat who survived a 200ft fall from 19 floors? 

Sugar miraculously lived after plunging from the window of her owner’s apartment in Boston, USA. Brittany Kirk left her apartment to run some errands. She had left the window open, thinking that Sugar would enjoy the fresh air but didn't realise she would jump onto the windowsill

Sugar lost her balance and fell from the window. She plummeted about 200 feet, to the ground. She landed on a small patch of mulch, surrounded by concrete and bricks. She was spotted by a woman who was walking her dog nearby. The woman called the animal rescue service.

Amazingly, Sugar only suffered minor injuries from the fall. She had a small cut on her chest, and some bruising on her lungs. She had no broken bones, no internal bleeding, and no brain damage. She was treated with painkillers and antibiotics, and was able to go home the next day.

How did Sugar survive such a high fall? According to veterinarians, cats have a natural ability to survive falls from great heights. They have a flexible spine that allows them to twist their body in mid-air and land on their feet. They also have a low body weight and a large surface area relative to their mass, which reduces the impact force. And they have a strong survival instinct that helps them relax and brace for impact.

Brittany says that she is very grateful that Sugar is alive, and that she will never leave the window open again. 

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Monday 31 July 2023

How To Keep Your Cat Happy And Healthy

Cats are wonderful companions, but they also need some special care and attention to stay happy and healthy. Here are some tips on how to keep your cat purring and playful.

Provide a stimulating environment

Cats are curious and intelligent animals, so they need some stimulation to prevent boredom and stress. You can provide your cat with toys, scratching posts, hiding places, windows, and interactive games. You can also rotate the toys and change the environment occasionally to keep things interesting.

Feed a balanced diet

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need meat to survive and thrive. You should feed your cat a high-quality, complete and balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs. You can choose from wet, dry, or raw food, or a combination of them. You should also provide fresh water at all times and avoid giving your cat human food or treats that can be harmful or toxic.

Groom your cat regularly

Cats are very clean animals, but they still need some help with grooming. You should brush your cat’s fur at least once a week to remove loose hair, dirt, and mats. This will also help prevent hairballs and improve your cat’s skin and coat health. You should also trim your cat’s nails every few weeks to prevent them from growing too long and causing problems. You can also check your cat’s ears, eyes, teeth, and paws for any signs of infection or injury.

Visit the vet regularly

Cats are good at hiding their pain and illness, so you may not notice if something is wrong with them. That’s why you should take your cat to the vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations. This will help detect any health issues early and prevent them from getting worse. You should also spay or neuter your cat to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

Give your cat love and attention

Cats are social animals, so they need some love and attention from their humans. You should spend some time with your cat every day, playing, cuddling, or talking to them. You should also respect your cat’s personality and preferences, and let them decide when they want to interact with you. You should never force your cat to do something they don’t like or punish them for their natural behaviours.

By following these tips, you can keep your cat happy and healthy for many years to come. Remember that every cat is unique, so you should always consult your vet if you have any questions or concerns about your cat’s well-being.

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