Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 January 2025

My Cat The Picky Eater

Some cats are really picky eaters.  My cat, though, will happily feast on woodlice, spiders and mice and lap filthy water out of an old container in the garden.

Present her with a bowl of perfectly good cat food and she will look at me as if I am trying to feed her rat poison. Sometimes it's a brand and flavour of food she has been happily tucking into for years. All of a sudden Miss Picky decides she doesn't like it any more.

I can put fresh food in her bowl and she will eat half of it. However, 10 minutes later the remaining half is no longer palatable, apparently. Cue another look that could curdle milk.

Which reminds me. Milk. She happily drank small saucers of milk (the one that's specifically for cats) for the first seven years of her life. Now she won't touch it. 

But settle down with some expensive Brie you bought at the farmers' market and there she is at your side batting your arm with her paw as her big amber eyes plead with you. "Just a little nibble. I'd love a little taste. Mmmm, you know cheese is my favourite thing EVER."

She has definite "rules" from which she will not deviate - until she decides to change the rules.

Present rules include never eating any food that's on special offer (how does she KNOW?) even if it's her favourite brand and flavour; having a clean bowl for every meal; never eating the same flavour of food for more than two meals in a row; and demanding to share your fresh food like fish (although she doesn't like fish-flavoured proprietary cat food - go figure), prawns and chicken.

Yet I know that, heaven forbid, if she were forced to fend for herself in the wild she would be happily feral within a fortnight.

Look at this: 

You can follow me on: FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Pinterest. As you can see, I have far too much to say for myself.

Monday, 29 November 2021

Emergency! The Cat's Eaten My Bacon

Words failed me when I read this story. A man from Yorkshire in the UK dialled 999 (the same as 911 in the USA) to ask the police to arrest his cat for eating his bacon.

I know most carnivores are partial to a nice piece of sizzling bacon and it would be very annoying if your cat stole it - but getting puss arrested is a bit extreme!

The emergency services operator  began with the standard:  "What's your emergency?"

He replied: " girlfriend has let the cat eat my bacon."

The very patient but puzzled operator asked him to repeat his problem and then asked him what he would like the police to do.

He told her: "I want to press charges."

The call handler then asked him whether he wanted the police to arrest the girlfriend or the cat!

The man replied: "Both."

She told him: "Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. And we don't arrest cats."

He started to protest insisting it was his girlfriend's fault for allowing the cat to do it.

The call handler firmly told him it was not a 999 emergency and the call came to an end.

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Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Black Cats Rule

About half the cats up for adoption in shelters are black or black and white. The solid black cats find it particularly difficult to attract new owners.

This is partly because of the superstitions surrounding black cats and lately, with everything shared on social media, people believe they are difficult to photograph. Black  cats are not "selfie-friendly" in this lnstagram age.

“It’s not uncommon for many monochrome moggies to wait many weeks or months to be adopted,” says Gemma Croker from Cats Protection (UK), which takes in 200,000 cats each year.

As for those superstitions, in Scotland black cats are said to bring prosperity and in England and Japan they are believed to be lucky. However, in much of the world they are unfairly associated with bad luck and evil omens.

If you are clever enough to open your heart to a black cat and want to take some great photographs, have a look at this article for great advice about showing off your black cat (or dog) to its best advantage.  

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*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, have a look at Not So Sweet Toffee, a book written by a gorgeous little diva who has a lot to say for herself! 


Tuesday, 21 April 2020

R is for Rats

OH RATS! Who's come to play with me today?

Rats in Colombia have been trained to sniff out landmines. More than 100,000 mines are believed to have been buried by leftist rebels in the country.

Rats have proved to be experts at finding the mines - but there was a problem. The rodents were taught to freeze in front of mines, but had difficulty staying put for fear of being attacked by predators.

Bringing them face to face with their natural enemy, the cat, allowed them to stay more focused once they were released, said veterinarian Luisa Mendez, who worked with the animals.

“Here the cats play with the rats instead of attacking them,” Mendez said. “The cats wear shields on their nails so they can’t cause any injuries and as a result the rats feel comfortable playing around them.”

Col Javier Cifuentes, who oversees the project, said the rats’ success rate in mine detection was 96%. Unlike dogs, the rats weigh a lot less and therefore don’t trigger explosions.

Colombia is home to the world’s largest number of land mine victims.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here: 
*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


Monday, 18 March 2019

Benefits Of Living With Cats

If you're a cat lover you will already know the obvious benefits of living with cats. They make wonderful companions, they cheer you up with their antics, they help you to relax. But there are also proven health benefits to owning cats.

At least one study has indicated that people who live with a cat have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. This includes lowering the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. 

Cats are also credited with helping to reduce stress levels. This in turn helps to reduce blood pressure, They also help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of depression.

A more recent study found that children raised with pets may be healthier as well. Children raised in a home with cats (or dogs) were found to have fewer allergies, ear infections and respiratory problems than those without pets.

Surveys have shown that people with cats sleep better too.

Here are a few more benefits of living with cats! Do you know any more?

Take a look at the book below - written by Toffee, the sassiest cat in the world!

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*Take a look at The Best Cat Products In The World. You'll love them!

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Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Introducing A Cat To Your Children

You may have had a cat in the family when you were a child. Now you want to give your children the pleasure of loving and caring for an animal.

First make sure children want a cat and they understand that caring for a living breathing creature is a big responsibility.

Be prepared to assume those responsibilities yourself. Children should be taught to take care of some of the chores if they are old enough, but if they lose interest it will be up to you. 

  •  No matter how laid back or tolerant your cat is you should never leave a toddler unattended with a cat. Even older children should be under your supervision until you are quite sure that the cat and your kids respect each other.
  • Try to have a place that your cat can retreat to when he or she does not  want the attention of kids (or adults for that matter.)  Sometimes children do not understand the cat does not want to play or be petted and your cat needs somewhere to be alone.
  • Children need to be told just how sharp the claws and teeth of a cat are. Explain that cats can bite and scratch if teased, stressed or over excited. Show your children how to play gently with the cat.
  • Kittens may not be the best choice for very young children. Toddlers may not understand how fragile a kitten is and that an over enthusiastic hug could harm it. A kitten is also less able to tolerate the rapid movement and shouting of a very young child. An adult cat may be a better fit.
  • Demonstrate to your children the proper way to hold a cat. Show them how to gently pick kitty up with one hand supporting the chest and the other hand the back legs. If your kids are too young to learn how to do this they should be dissuaded from trying to pick up your cat.  Tell your children to beware of a cat's sensitive areas such as stomach, tail, ears and paws.

A strong bond can develop between kids and cats and this can teach them love and respect for animals that can last for the rest of their lives. Teaching your children the basics of looking after their pet will reward them for years to come.


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Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Dog Saves Cat's Life

Zephyr meets his saviour Harlie.

A LITTLE black and white kitten's eyesight was saved thanks to help from a Great Dane dog. 

Eight-week-old Zephyr was found with three siblings under a shed in Liverpool in the UK. They had flu which had led to secondary pneumonia, horrific conjunctivitis with ulcerated eyes, ticks and severe flea infestation leading to anaemia and dehydration. Sadly one the kittens died. Two of them, Zouse and Zee, responded well to eye drops but Zephyr didn't. It was feared he would go blind.

So vets used a new technique to save his sight, treating him with serum drops made from elements of Great Dane Harlie's blood. The blood was separated using a centrifuge with the liquid part made into drops which help the surface of the eye to heal and stop tissue breaking down.

Steph Taylor of the Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary said: “The serum from Harlie was fairly unusual for us to use and we have never done it before. There are several types of conventional medicated drops and we used these first but as Zephyr was not responding to these, our vet suggested it.

Harlie’s owner Jess Parr, 30, said she wanted to help after seeing an appeal. She said: “I love cats and would love to have one, if I didn’t have four dogs."
Zephyr: On the mend.

Now Zephyr is on the road to recovery and has been introduced to Harlie. Jess  said: “We were a bit worried about how Harlie would react to Zephyr. She has never met a cat in person, except for the one next door that walks up and down the garden fence just out of reach,  taunting her.

“Harlie is a big clumsy dog but when she was with Zephyr she was so gentle, it was almost like her maternal instinct kicked in."
Zephyr will be rehomed with his two brothers Zouse and Zee next weekend.
Harlie, Zephyr and Steph.

Take a look at the book below - written by Toffee, the sassiest cat in the world!

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*Take a look at The Best Cat Products In The World. You'll love them!

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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Cat Burglar Brigit

OH, Brigit, what have you been up to? The pretty little Siamese cross Burmese moggie has a dark secret - by night she is a cat burglar, roaming around the neighbourhood to steal men's underwear and socks.

In just two months Brigit, aged six, has nicked dozens of boxer briefs and 60 socks. Her owner Sarah Nathan, from Hamilton in New Zealand, found the swag when she was began packing up to move house.

Now Sarah is trying to find the owners of the stolen goods, putting letters through her neighbours' doors asking: "Are you missing underwear?"  She went on to apologise for Brigit's nefarious activities and said she would return all the booty.

The letter finished: "You'll be pleased to know we are moving."

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Thursday, 17 March 2016

Nick And His Ginger Girl

NICK Priest was at the lowest ebb of his life when he took on a poorly kitten.  A former miner who had served with the Royal Corps of Signals, Nick was now out of the Army and was having problems with alcohol.

But the kitten, the runt of  the litter from a cat owned by a friend, was to prove to be his saviour. Caring for the little scrap gave Nick something to do and gave his life meaning.

He said the cat, which he called Fidget, gave him a reason to carry on and he, in turn, nursed the little kitten back to life.

"I rescued her, and she rescued me right back," he said.

At first, she was "really not very well," said Nick, but he cuddled her in his jumper to keep her warm and she began to respond. "That's what made her survive," he said.

Fidget, now two, has grown into a happy, healthy cat and  she is a familiar sight perched on Nick's shoulder in their home town of Penryn in Cornwall, UK.  Fidget is also a bit of biker, joining Nick when he is out on his motorbike. She snuggles into his jacket for short trips or lies in a fur lined tank bag for longer journeys.

A veterinary nurse persuaded Nick to enter Fidget in the Cats Protection charity's National Cat Awards  and he has submitted entries in the Hero Cat and Furr-ever Friends categories. Nick is also making notes on his life with Fidget, in the hope of eventually publishing her story.

He has also been in touch with James Bowen, a former homeless busker whose story of a cat turning his life around became the book A Street Cat Named Bob: And How He Saved My Life. This year the story is being made into a film.

 He said: "I told him 'I don't want to steal your thunder but my cat goes on motorbikes, and she's a ginger girl. We've had some adventures, and she's only two years old."

James emailed him back and said: "You carry on, mate."

Just like Bob gave James a reason to get himself off the streets and to get help for his drug addiction, Fidget gives Nick the impetus to turn his life around.

"I've got someone to be responsible for now," he said.
  • I have again - perhaps foolishly! - taken on the  A to Z Blogging Challenge for the month of April. If you're taking part, let me know - either in a comment or via email - and I'll make sure I visit your blog and leave a comment. 

Never miss a funny picture, mad video or hot cat news. Subscribe to That's Purrfect and we'll email you every time the website is updated. All you have to do is pop your email address in the 'subscribe' form in the panel.

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Thursday, 10 March 2016

A Street Cat Named Bob

HERE'S  a movie I'm looking forward to seeing. I've read the book A Street Cat Named Bob: And How He Saved My Life and now it's been made into a film.

For those of you who don't know the story, London street musician James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation. He had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet.

Yet James, a recovering heroin addict, couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas.

Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts.

A Street Cat Named Bob: And How He Saved My Life is a moving and uplifting story that touched the heart of anyone who read it.

The movie of the book is to  be released later this year. It stars acclaimed British actors Luke Treadaway as James, Ruta Gedmintas as Belle, Joanne Froggatt and Anthony Head (Rupert Giles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

Never miss a funny picture, mad video or hot cat news. Subscribe to That's Purrfect and we'll email you every time the website is updated. All you have to do is pop your email address in the 'subscribe' form in the panel.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Cat Cafe Closes

Baby, one of the re-homed cats.

IT may seem like bad news that a cat cafe is closing - but in the case of Catfe in Vancouver, Canada, it's very good news!

The Catfe cafe was open for only a month and proved so popular with cat lovers that every kitty it had has been re-homed. The cafe's website posted the notice: "Due to the overwhelming success of adoptions in our first few weeks, we have run out of cats!"

It's opening again soon as a nearby shelter sends the cafe its most sociable kitty cats to interact with cafe visitors.

When it opened the cafe said: “Our aim is to have anywhere between eight and 12 cats at the cafe, which will fluctuate as cats get adopted out and more cats arrive."

All cats are from the BCSPCA (the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

I'm so happy that the cafe's first intake of cats have found purrfect homes.

  • The cafe (when it has cats!) is open daily 11am to 9pm, every day except Thursday.
  • Visit the cafe's website here:

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Friday, 27 November 2015

Cat Pub

Luke Daniels and three of his pub cats.

Cat cafes are springing up all over the world but in the centre of Bristol in England is the world's first (as far as I know) cat PUB!

If you love cats, The Bag O' Nails is the purrfect place to pop in for a quick beer. Landlord Luke Daniels has 15 cats and they have the run of the tavern. He said that he had received a great response to the cat-friendly premises.

All the cats were born in the pub, one mum giving birth in a chips box during a quiz night.

The pop is close to Bristol University and is popular with students who come in to see the cats, no doubt reminding them of pets they have left at home.

The pub is also known for its wide selection of fine beers and many of these are sampled while a cat sits on the customer's lap.


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Monday, 5 October 2015

Business Cat

Just imagine if your cat were a business executive. What would he or she be like? Do you reckon they'd be a good boss or a bad one? Would they have some way-out-there ideas or be conventional? Would they take to the role like a duck to water (or a cat to a cardboard box) or be out of their depth?

Take a look at Business Cat to see how this moggy is coping with life as a high-flying exec. Or not coping, as the case may be!

I think we all recognise that scenario! Or there's this...

Oh yes. Or...


If you want to see more of Business Cat's adventures visit his website at

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Friday, 11 September 2015

My Cat Loves Me

by Pat Keenor

A BRITISH university made a study and declared "cats don't need their owners". This, in turn, spawned a raft of headlines in the media of the "cats don't care about you" variety.
Don't care about us? What madness is this!

It's true, of course, that cats are more independent than dogs and might take a little while to warm to you before they feel safe enough to give of their love and affection. But this is just like the difference between introverted and extroverted people. Some are slow-burners who get used to you slowly and then start to open up, while other people are immediately open and friendly with whomever they meet.

I know my cat loves me, for these reasons (I'm sure you have plenty more):

1. She head-butts me for strokes. True, usually when I'm fast asleep in bed so I wake suddenly with my heart thumping - but affection is affection.

2. She licks me - with a tongue that feels like sandpaper, removing the top layer of skin. But who needs to exfoliate in the shower when you have a cat?

3. She curls up on my lap and purrs loud enough to wake the dead.

4. She follows me around the house to see what I'm up to. I sometimes feel like I'm a celebrity with a stalker but she's just interested in what I'm doing. I hope.

5. She sits on my chest and stares into my eyes. It can feel a bit like a sinister staring competition with dire consequences for the one who blinks first. But I am reliably informed that cats only look directly at someone they trust.

6. She does that long, slow blink which in cat world is a kiss. I'm glad she's not a kisser in the human sense. That tuna breath could be a step too far.

7. She talks to me. She miaows. I answer. She miaows back. We talk about everything from world politics to the price of fish.

8. She scratches at closed windows and doors to be with me.... usually at 4am.

How dare you shut me out. Let me in. AT ONCE!
9. She brings me presents. True, I don't particularly want a half-chewed mouse but it's the thought that counts.

10. She not only needs me, she kneads me. Which is a sign of affection. Isn't it? Please tell me it is...

  • The University of Lincoln Animal Behaviour Clinic based its conclusion on something called The Strange Situation Test. This was formulated in the 1970s as a  test to see how attached children were to their caregivers. Basically, they put a cat in an unfamiliar room with its owner and found it didn't look for reassurance from the "care-giver". They also showed that cats do not suffer from separation anxiety if the owner goes away.
In my humble, non-scientific, opinion this seems to prove that cats may not NEED us but that they LOVE us.  They fall back on their own resources and can survive without us - but they choose to stay with us. They don't look on us as the "care-giver" but as an equal.

They may hide away if they are frightened rather than run to us for reassurance. They don't need to depend on us for food - plenty of feral cats survive perfectly well on their own. They stay with us because they want to. Cats won't stick around if they don't like their surroundings. Why should they when they can manage perfectly well on their own?
Cats are not pack animals so they have to be independent. They do not see you as the leader of their pack but as someone they want to live with.

Alice Potter, cat behaviour and well-being expert at animal welfare organisation the RSPCA, said the study could help owners meet the needs of their pets.

"It suggests that if a cat is scared or has been involved in an incident it's not going to want a cuddle, it's going to want to go and hide, so owners need to provide a place for that to happen," she said,

"Likewise an owner shoudn't worry if their cat doesn't want to be comforted. It's just doing what comes naturally."

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