Thursday, 3 September 2015

The Importance of Micro-Chipping

Here's a YouTube video by my friend and former work colleague Nicole, which shows the importance of micro-chipping your cat. Her two cats are gorgeous (and she's a lovely person too!).

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  1. We have ours microchipped and they are indoor cats. There are too many cars and bad people around. I wish more people would do this

  2. Very important. I only have 2 of the 15 microchipped, I need to work on that.

  3. It's a great technology. More people need to utilize it.

  4. All of our cats, as well as our dog, are micro chipped. You cannot be too careful. We found a dog and were able to get it back home hecause it was chipped.

  5. I am chipped! It is very impawtant! Good video :)

  6. We used to have a shelter manager who wouldn't/didn't scan animals for microchips. In such a case, the chips are worthless, but thankfully many do check.


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