Monday, 3 March 2025

How To Introduce A Cat To Your Children

You may have had a cat in the family when you were a child. Now you want to give your children the pleasure of loving and caring for an animal.

First make sure children want a cat and they understand that caring for a living breathing creature is a big responsibility.

Be prepared to assume those responsibilities yourself. Children should be taught to take care of some of the chores if they are old enough, but if they lose interest it will be up to you. 

  •  No matter how laid back or tolerant your cat is you should never leave a toddler unattended with a cat. Even older children should be under your supervision until you are quite sure that the cat and your kids respect each other.
  • Try to have a place that your cat can retreat to when he or she does not  want the attention of children (or adults for that matter.)  Sometimes children do not understand the cat does not want to play or be petted and your cat needs somewhere to be alone.
  • Children need to be told just how sharp the claws and teeth of a cat are. Explain that cats can bite and scratch if teased, stressed or over excited. Show your children how to play gently with the cat.
  • Kittens may not be the best choice for very young children. Toddlers may not understand how fragile a kitten is and that an over enthusiastic hug could harm it. A kitten is also less able to tolerate the rapid movement and shouting of a very young child. An adult cat may be a better fit.
  • Demonstrate to your children the proper way to hold a cat. Show them how to gently pick kitty up with one hand supporting the chest and the other hand the back legs. If your kids are too young to learn how to do this they should be dissuaded from trying to pick up your cat.  Tell your children to beware of a cat's sensitive areas such as stomach, tail, ears and paws.

A strong bond can develop between kids and cats and this can teach them love and respect for animals that can last for the rest of their lives. Teaching your children the basics of looking after their pet will reward them for years to come.

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Monday, 10 February 2025

Paws and Perception: The Mystery of Cats Waking at a Glance

Go away and let me sleep: My cat was not amused by this experiment!

Have you ever stared at your sleeping cat and they have immediately woken up?  Many  animal owners report this happens far too frequently to be a coincidence.

Dr Rupert Sheldrake, a telepathy expert, has compiled more than 240 cases from the UK, Europe, Canada and the US that suggest sleeping humans and animals are frequently aware of when they are being watched.

Dr Sheldrake said: “My working hypothesis is that this has something to do with the weak electromagnetic field that surrounds each of us. Our bodies, especially our brains, generate electricity, and that creates a magnetic field which – if my theory is correct – registers a disturbance when people look at us.

He says people can test this for themselves by setting up a video to film a pet while it sleeps, ignoring it for a while, then staring at it.

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Monday, 3 February 2025

Check Your Cat's Personality

What type of personality does your cat have? Research has shown that there are basically five different types.

Dr Lauren Finka, a research fellow at the University of Lincoln in the UK, came to the conclusion after "interviewing" more than 200 cats and their owners.

So here they are: 

The Human Cat loves cuddles.

The Human Cat is generally happy to share your home, your life and often your personal space. It can be identified by its willingness to gently head-butt you.It likes to make your lap their "spot" and will likely knead you with its paws on a regular basis. 

The ideal home for the Human Cat is a vibrant family home with plenty of faces to nuzzle and laps to nap on; after all, if they fit they'll sit. The more human attention and chin scratches the better for this friendly. The Human Cat tends to knead you with its paws and gently nuzzle its head into you in a sign of affection. 

Ah, dinner! The Hunter Cat.
While most cats are born with hunting instincts, the Hunter Cat excels at stalking and capturing its prey. The Hunter Cat can be identified through its interactions with realistic cat toys. It will often clasp toys in its teeth while it frantically kicks. The best environment for this adventurer is a home with plenty of rural outdoor space. 

This will allow it to explore, chase and pounce to its heart's content, without the worry of urban dangers like busy roads. The Hunter Cat is the most feral of the personalities, regularly interacting with realistic cat toys and showing signs of an expert hunter.

The Cat's Cat loves other cats.

The Cat's Cat forms positive relationships with other felines, even though it can often go against their nature which sees other cats as a threat to resources. The trick is, as with humans, to socialise them when they're young, exposing them to other cats and kittens. 
You can identify a Cat's Cat through its willingness to play with and groom its furry siblings, touching noses and rubbing up against each other. Cat's Cat may cope better living with other felines, but even well socialised cats can be choosy about who they share their bed with. This cat may be perfect for young working couples who can leave their partners in crime to run riot throughout the day.

Some cats are just plain cantankerous!

The Cantankerous Cat is more easily frustrated than his four counterparts and can be less tolerant to being handled, due to being quite sensitive to touch, their environment and being on high alert. These felines require more time and effort to make sure they're comfortable when interacting with humans. The Cantankerous Cat can be identified by its need for its own space to play, explore independently and preference for regular but less '-on interactions with humans. 
It needs to make the first move when it comes to being handled. The Cantankerous Cat enjoys time on its own, and will explore independently without any human input.

Wotcha doin'?

The Inquisitive Cat can be a keen investigator, sniffing around anything and anyone unfamiliar. But this inquisitiveness is a combination of DNA and exposure to new sights, smells and sounds from a young age. The Inquisitive Cat can be identified by its eagerness to explore and investigate anything new in its environment. 
It could cope well in a home that sees new people coming and going, or even as an office cat. But be warned, it'll get into every box, bag, handbag and lap that enters its domain. Living up to its name, the Inquisitive Cat likes to explore its surroundings and will approach people it doesn't know with caution.

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Thursday, 16 January 2025

My Cat The Picky Eater

Some cats are really picky eaters.  My cat, though, will happily feast on woodlice, spiders and mice and lap filthy water out of an old container in the garden.

Present her with a bowl of perfectly good cat food and she will look at me as if I am trying to feed her rat poison. Sometimes it's a brand and flavour of food she has been happily tucking into for years. All of a sudden Miss Picky decides she doesn't like it any more.

I can put fresh food in her bowl and she will eat half of it. However, 10 minutes later the remaining half is no longer palatable, apparently. Cue another look that could curdle milk.

Which reminds me. Milk. She happily drank small saucers of milk (the one that's specifically for cats) for the first seven years of her life. Now she won't touch it. 

But settle down with some expensive Brie you bought at the farmers' market and there she is at your side batting your arm with her paw as her big amber eyes plead with you. "Just a little nibble. I'd love a little taste. Mmmm, you know cheese is my favourite thing EVER."

She has definite "rules" from which she will not deviate - until she decides to change the rules.

Present rules include never eating any food that's on special offer (how does she KNOW?) even if it's her favourite brand and flavour; having a clean bowl for every meal; never eating the same flavour of food for more than two meals in a row; and demanding to share your fresh food like fish (although she doesn't like fish-flavoured proprietary cat food - go figure), prawns and chicken.

Yet I know that, heaven forbid, if she were forced to fend for herself in the wild she would be happily feral within a fortnight.

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Thursday, 7 November 2024

Are You A Cat Whisperer?

Are you a "cat whisperer"? Can you read feline facial expressions? It turns out most people are unable to decode feline emotions, but there are a few people who excel at deciphering how cats are feeling.

These cat whisperers are generally women and those with veterinary experience and - surprisingly -  it makes no difference whether they own or even particularly like cats.

Professors Lee Niel and Georgia Mason, from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, investigated the extent to which humans can decode cat emotions from their facial expressions. They recruited 6,329 people from 85 countries for their study, showing them 20 videos which featured cats in either a negative or positive emotional state.

In the negative videos, for example, the felines were showing signs of avoidance by withdrawing from an object or person or fleeing to a hiding spot. In some, they were struggling against physical restraint or being denied opportunities like going outdoors.

The cats in these videos were also growling or hissing or had health problems, such as malaise or physical pain.

In the positive videos, the felines had sought out favorite spots or interaction with people, such as being petted.

None of the videos depicted obvious facial expressions, such as open mouths or flattened ears, although all the videos focused on the cats' eyes, muzzles, and mouths.

Most participants performed poorly at the facial recognition tests, with the average score being barely above the chance average — 11.85 points out of 20.

However, 13% of participants were significantly successful at identifying the emotions, scoring more than 15 out of 20. Women were more successful than men and younger participants more successful than older, as were people with professional experience of cats, like veterinarians.

Professor Niel said: "The ability to read animals' facial expressions is critical to welfare assessment. Our finding that some people are outstanding at reading these subtle clues suggests it's a skill that more people can be trained to do."

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Monday, 14 October 2024

John Lennon's Love Of Cats

Beatle John Lennon owned cats throughout his life.

He grew up with his Aunt Mimi in Liverpool, UK, and there was always a cat in the house. He spoke and wrote about three of them - Tich, the marmalade-coloured half-Persian, who died when John was at college; Tim, a half-Persian ginger who was a stray found in a snowy street by John; and a moggy called Sam. As a boy, John regularly cycled to Mr Smith the fishmonger in nearby Woolton village to buy pieces of hake for the cats.

When John and his first wife Cynthia and son Julian lived in Weybridge they had many cats, including a tabby called Mimi named after his beloved aunt.

He and second wife Yoko Ono are pictured above with a cat called Pepper, no doubt named after their iconic album Sergeant Pepper's Hearts Club Band. While John was living with May Pang they had two cats called Major and Minor.

Here's a picture John drew of Pepper which, as you might expect, is quirkily bizarre!

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Monday, 4 December 2023

Blood Brothers

SMUDGE (pictured above), a 15-year-old cat, came within a whisker of losing her life when she was taken ill after an adverse reaction to medication for an over-active thyroid.

Robin and Maureen Sable, who live in Winnersh in the UK, had taken Smudge to a cattery as they were due to set off for a holiday in Belgium. They were just about to leave when they got a call from the cattery to say Smudge was very poorly after a bad reaction to her thyroid medication.

She urgently needed a blood transfusion but has a rare blood group. Cats have either Type A or Type B blood types but most are Type A so it’s difficult to find the right donor. The vets contacted the local cats protection league to try to find another cat with the same blood group - and Dinah (above), aged 10, who is owned by Jamie Wildish, came to the rescue.

Smudge recovered well but Robin and Maureen had to postpone their holiday - not that they minded as they say Smudge, who they have had since she was seven weeks old, is just one of the family.

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Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Decoding Your Cat

Cats are enigmatic creatures who have a language all their own. From the subtle flick of a tail to the deliberate slow blink, these feline behaviours are fascinating and understanding and interpreting these signals can deepen the bond between you and your furry friend.

The slow blink (picture above) is an intriguing aspect of cat communication. When your cat looks at you and deliberately closes its eyes, it's a sign of trust and affection. Returning the gesture can strengthen the bond between you two, creating a silent language of love.

One of the most expressive features of a cat is its whiskers. Far from being just decorative, a cat's whiskers are a sophisticated communication tool. These sensitive hairs, deeply embedded in a cat's body, serve as a radar system, helping them navigate their surroundings with precision. If your cat's whiskers are pulled back, it might indicate fear or aggression, while forward-facing whiskers signal curiosity or excitement.

Scratching, often viewed as a destructive behaviour, is, in fact, a natural instinct for cats. It serves several purposes, including marking territory and maintaining healthy claws. Providing appropriate scratching posts can redirect this behaviour and save your furniture from becoming a casualty of your cat's instincts.

If your cat is happy and relaxed with you, they might roll onto their back and show you their tummy. This is a sign of greeting and trust – not an invitation for belly rubs! To save your hand from the swipe of sharp claws, it’s best to give them a gentle head rub instead

In the world of cat ownership, decoding these behaviours is like unlocking a secret code to your feline companion's emotions and needs. The more we understand and appreciate the subtle cues our cats give us, the richer our relationships with them become. So, next time your cat exhibits a "peculiar "behaviour, remember, it might just be their way of saying, "I love you" or "I need some space."

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Thursday, 16 November 2023

Cats Take Over The World

Cats are taking over the world. This will come as no surprise to cat owners who already have their little corner of the world completely annexed by a feline despot.

Others may think I'm exaggerating. How can a such a small bundle of fur rule big people with an iron fist? Let me present the proof.

They are all Ninjas, that is they display stealth and prowess in combat to get their own way.

They possess all manner of superpowers

including superhuman, sorry I mean, superfeline strength

and the ability to time travel.

They are masters of disguise (look carefully!). 

They are all-seeing 

and all-knowing. They WILL judge you if they think you are lacking.

They are ruthless.

But most of all, they have humans wrapped around their little fingers (or paws).

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