First make sure children want a cat and they understand that caring for a living breathing creature is a big responsibility.
Be prepared to assume those responsibilities yourself. Children should be taught to take care of some of the chores if they are old enough, but if they lose interest it will be up to you.
- No matter how laid back or tolerant your cat is you should never leave a toddler unattended with a cat. Even older children should be under your supervision until you are quite sure that the cat and your kids respect each other.
- Try to have a place that your cat can retreat to when he or she does not want the attention of children (or adults for that matter.) Sometimes children do not understand the cat does not want to play or be petted and your cat needs somewhere to be alone.
- Children need to be told just how sharp the claws and teeth of a cat are. Explain that cats can bite and scratch if teased, stressed or over excited. Show your children how to play gently with the cat.
- Kittens may not be the best choice for very young children. Toddlers may not understand how fragile a kitten is and that an over enthusiastic hug could harm it. A kitten is also less able to tolerate the rapid movement and shouting of a very young child. An adult cat may be a better fit.
- Demonstrate to your children the proper way to hold a cat. Show them how to gently pick kitty up with one hand supporting the chest and the other hand the back legs. If your kids are too young to learn how to do this they should be dissuaded from trying to pick up your cat. Tell your children to beware of a cat's sensitive areas such as stomach, tail, ears and paws.
A strong bond can develop between kids and cats and this can teach them love and respect for animals that can last for the rest of their lives. Teaching your children the basics of looking after their pet will reward them for years to come.